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Marcia Brown Productions

Our goal is to actively participate in showcasing and safeguarding Jamaican culture within the Canadian Diaspora.

About Us

About MBP

Welcome to Marcia Brown Productions, a professional theatrical and entertainment company with a rich history and a vibrant future.

For all types of events

Marcia Brown Productions, a professional theatrical

But the magic of theater extends far beyond the stage. It is a communal experience that brings people together, fostering a sense of connection and shared humanity. Whether it’s the hushed anticipation before the lights dim or the collective applause that reverberates through the auditorium, theater has the power to unite audiences in a moment of collective awe and wonder

Our mission is to contribute to the presentation and preservation of Jamaican culture within the Canadian Diaspora.

Churches and charitable groups have also worked with MBP to stage benefit performances for fundraising, a testament to the audience’s trust in our production quality and their entertained and enthralled state.



We believe diversity in all forms is what makes each person & place unique in their own way; and as a company, from our employees to our customers BARUA INSURANCE proudly welcomes diversity with open arms.

Our Achievements

Since its inception, MBP has produced some of the most electrifying and memorable plays in the city. Our storylines are consistently underlined with strong messages, providing an ample share of side-splitting laughter. With award-winning productions like “Blood Ticka Dan Water,” “Rosetta,” “Country Duppy,” “Deception,” and the critically acclaimed “I Need to Know My Father,” MBP has undoubtedly brought audiences joy and slices of life lessons. 

Engineering Team

Better Plan. Better Work. Better Future

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Exploration of oil field

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Industrial crude oil

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Harvesting Machine

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